Saturday, November 18, 2017

Matua Paratene

It was a great pleasure to have Matua Paratene teaching and learning with us in Kowhai Toru this term.  We wish him all the best in his studies.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Thanks Mr Middleton

Many thanks to Mr Middleton and Sepora for fixing the Junior Playground.  We felt great when Mr Middleton let us help put some more bark at the bottom of the pole.

Story Maps

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Look After Our Place

The Rangatahi visited Kōwhai Toru to ask us to "Look After Our Place" by picking up rubbish even when it doesn't belong to us.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Voting Basics in Kowhai Toru

The Rangatahi from Pōhutukawa Team shared their Recycled - Homework Projects with us on Friday just before lunch.  We will vote for which project we liked the best.

Digital Technology

We are learning to share our ideas using Digital Technology.
We need to use Pic Collage

  • to draw a picture of Harold
  • add a 'selfie'
  • add labels

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Harold Visits

Kowhai Toru have completed their learning sessions with Michelle and Harold in the Life Education Classroom.

Play Based Learning

We have begun Play-Based Learning in Kowhai Toru.


Keep working on learning your SPELLATHON words.  

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Welcome Back to Kōwhai Toru

A huge welcome back to Lincoln.  We extend our aroha to you and your whānau.

Celebrating Learning - Tuākana/ Tēina

Kowhai Toru students had a great experience learning more about Native New Zealand Animals with the Year 5 and 6 students in Pōhutukawa Rima.